September 1, 2022
New Coordination Office in Dresden Starts Its Work
With the recruitment of Philipp Hanisch as Scientific Coordinator for SECAI, the Coordination Office in Dresden is complete. He will coordinate the scientific and organizational development of SECAI together with SECAI secretary Kati Domann.
Having graduated at TU Dresden, the new Scientific Coordinator of SECAI Philipp Hanisch is already familiar with his work environment. During his studies he has worked with the research group Knowledge-Based Systems at TU Dresden, resulting in a publication together with Sarah Gaggl and Markus Krötzsch at the International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI). Additionally, he contributes his experience collected during an one-year traineeship at the European Space Agency (ESA). As a part of the ESA team working on the European Commission's project Destination Earth, he engaged in the system design and documentation implemented in close cooperation with the other project partners ECMWF and EUMETSAT. Back in Dresden, he takes charge of the scientific development of SECAI. “It is both a pleasure and an honor to be the Scientific Coordinator of such an ambitious and exciting project as SECAI“, says Philipp Hanisch.
Secretary Kati Domann is the other person of the Coordination Office in Dresden. Since 2017 she has been working for TU Dresden, especially as secretary for SECAI project leader Markus Krötzsch's chair for Knowledge-Based Systems. Kati Domann coordinates and supports several projects, e.g., the DFG Transregional Collaborative Research Centre Center for Perspicuous Computing (CPEC) and the DFG Research Training Group Quantitative Logics and Automata. As the Secretary of SECAI, she will contribute her experience to the organizational development of the School.
Together Kati Domann and Philipp Hanisch coordinate both internal and external matters of SECAI. Thus, they are the gateway between the different members and locations of SECAI as well as external partners. The planning and implementation of a bunch of different formats, including the event series SECAI.Connect and the fairs SECAI.Live, are only one aspect of their daily work. Additionally, they will welcome new SECAI members soon, as the School will hire new AI researcher in its Graduate School before the end of this year. Finally, official requests to the Coordination Office can be send to secai-office@tu-dresden.de, its official email address.