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TU Dresden
A joint project with Uni Leipzig DE EN
Gruppenfoto des SECAI-Treffens in Dresden. Abgebildet sind (von links nach recht, von hinten nach vorne): Sven Findeiß, Thomas Mikolajick, Guido Montúfar, Bjoern Andres, Jens Meiler, Peter Stadler, Max von Renesse, Martin Bogdan, Ivo Sbalzarini, Jens Lehmann, Jakob Kather,  Anne Lauber-Rönsberger, Sayan Mukherjee, Carsten Lutz, Stefanie Speidel, Christel Baier, Markus Krötzsch, Sebastian Rudolph © Michael Kretzschmar

Academic Fellows

SECAI is the effort of a group of Academic Fellows, who are jointly responsible for the research goals and educational activities of the School.

Chair of Machine Learning for Computer Vision

TU Dresden

Chair of Algebraic and Logical Foundations of Computer Science

TU Dresden

Chair of Neuromorphic Information Processing

Leipzig University

Chair of Machine Learning for Robotics

TU Dresden

Deutsche Telekom Chair of Communication Networks

TU Dresden

Chair of Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology

TU Dresden

Chair of Clinical Artificial Intelligence

TU Dresden

Chair of Knowledge‑Based Systems

TU Dresden

Chair of Civil Law, Intellectual Property, Media and Data Protection Law

TU Dresden

Principle Scientist Amazon Alexa AI


Chair of Knowledge Representation

Leipzig University

Chair of Highly-Parallel VLSI Systems and Neuro-Microelec­tronics

TU Dresden

Humboldt Professor and Director of the Institute for Drug Discovery

Leipzig University

Chair of Nanoelectronics

TU Dresden

ERC Group Leader for Mathematical Machine Learning

Max-Planck-Institute of Mathematics in the Sciences

Humboldt Professor in AI

Leipzig University

Deputy Head Department of Diagnostics

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI

Chair of Computational Logic

TU Dresden

Chair of Scientific Computing for Systems Biology

TU Dresden

Chair of European Law, Public International Law and German Public Law

Leipzig University

Chair of Translational Surgical Oncology

National Center for Tumor Diseases Dresden

Chair of Bioinformatics

Leipzig University

Chair of Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering

TU Dresden

Chair of Stochastics

Leipzig University