December 18, 2024
Mentoring Graduation: “Ready for the Next Step”
On December 5, the final event of the 2nd course of the mentoring program for female students and early career researchers took place in the Fritz-Foerster-Bau at TU Dresden. The program participants and mentors were bid farewell in a festive setting with the presentation of certificates by coordinator Grit Schuster.
This year, the mentoring program, which is funded by the DFG-coordinated research areas, supported and promoted 35 female students and 12 female early career researchers in their career planning, reflection and networking in the field of science. Mentoring and networking were the main instruments used to individually support the career-sensitive transition from university to academia for female students. The young female scientists, on the other hand, were specifically encouraged to apply and expand their skills and establish supportive relationships with other female scientists.
Almost a third of the participating students are aiming for a doctorate after completing their Master's degree. For the DAAD-funded SECAI program, the young scientist Haadia Amjad supported the mentoring program and accompanied 4 interested female students as a mentor on their way into science. The success of the mentoring program impressively demonstrates the decisive influence mentoring has on actively shaping one's own career path. Congratulations to all participants for their commitment and success!