November 20, 2024
2nd DAAD Zuse Schools Meeting
From 28 to 30 October, the second annual meeting of the three DAAD Zuse Schools of Excellence in Artificial Intelligence, ELIZA (Darmstadt), SECAI (Dresden), and relAI (Munich) took place in Munich. The event celebrated the three Zuse Schools’ second anniversary with a rich program featuring welcome speeches, academic and industry keynotes, talks by Zuse School students, and a stimulating panel discussion.
The meeting kicked off on the 28th with a work-meeting of the Zuse Schools directors and coordination teams, the chairman of the Zuse Schools Advisory Board, as well as representatives of German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and DAAD. The celebration on the 29th was opened by inspiring welcome addresses from Prof. Dr. Gerhard Kramer, Senior Vice President for Research and Innovation, TUM, Prof. Dr. Hans van Ess, Vice President for Research, LMU, Dr. Kai Sicks, DAAD Secretary General, MinR’in Dr. Lisette Andreae, Head of Unit European Higher Education Area, Internationalization, BMBF and MinDir Dr. Rolf-Dieter Jungk, Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts (StMWK). relAI Fellow Prof. Björn Ommer delivered a brilliant keynote talk on the latest research on Generative AI.
The industry keynote by Dr. Ahmed Sayed, Head of EMEA Emerging Technologies, AWS, provided an insightful overview of the industry applications of AI. The four talks from students of the three Zuse Schools showcased the excellent research carried out by the schools. The program was rounded off with an engaging panel discussion about the topic “Reliability in times of generative AI”, featuring a diverse range of perspectives and voices. The event concluded on the 30th with a Dialogue session, “My academic and professional future as a Zuse Schools graduate in Germany – chances and challenges” and the Advisory Board Meeting.
[cited from DKFZ press release; 2nd DAAD Zuse Schools Meeting]