June 30, 2023
SECAI CeTI Summer School on AI Applications for Medicine to Take Place in Dresden in September
Organised by the School of Embedded Composite AI (SECAI) and the Centre for Tactile Internet with Human-in-the-Loop (CeTI), the Summer School is about the potential that the application of Artificial Intelligence in medical areas generates. While primarily targeting PhD students, the event warmly welcomes Master students and post-doctoral researchers, too. The Summer School features engaging keynotes, interactive workshops, and networking events – thereby promising a vibrant and enriching experience for all attendees during the Summer School, which will take place from September, 11th, to September, 15th.
The Summer School features keynotes and talks by reseachers from diverse medical domains, such as Medical Imaging, Surgical Vision, and Surgical Robotics. Among others, Shekoofeh Azizi from Google and Christos Bergeles from King's College London will share their insights and expertise with the participants. Additionally, the program encompasses a series of workshops, including sessions dedicated to Machine Learning and the task of Medical Image Annotation.
For further information, interested researchers can visit the official website of the Summer School on AI Applications for Medicine. The website provides insights into the program, keynote speakers, workshop topics, and further information. Registration is open until July, 13th.